AMENDMENT to our Constitution
On all ballots (Federal and local), for every election (primary or final), there will be an additional candidate: "None of the Above." If "None of the Above" receives a plurality of the votes, a legal US citizen will be randomly drawn from the voter registration rosters. The requirements to serve will be; 1) Past or current Military Service. 2) A minimum of a Bachelor's degree. 3) A US Property owner. 4) No outstanding tax debts, either local and Federal. 5) No convictions, past or pending.
If "None of the Above" is elected, "None of the Above" will serve for a term of 4 years at a salary of $125,000/year, or the average net income of their last 3 years on "None of the Above's" Federal Tax Returns, whichever is greater. Or, "None of the Above" can choose to not serve, and will immediately serve a full 45 days evaluating the Federal Penal System from within.
United States Senators will, once again, be chosen by State Representatives to serve a 6 year term. All elected officials will serve one term only to enable them to return to their real avocation. The path of continuity must be broken to eliminate the entrenched corruption. All elected officials will be properly paid, day by day, to eliminate the "carrot trap" that has "tricked" everyone since the beginning of time. The elected officials will have no benefits or rights that are beyond the laws or rights of the general population of United States Citizens. The moral codes of our United States Military Academies will control conduct in every walk of life. If you lie, cheat or are out….no questions or appeals.
ALL laws, codes, agencies and regulations, down through, and including Little League Sports, will revert back to their status before 1960.
In Education, an average effort will be marked as a "C". There will be only one educational opportunity. There will be no holding back at Grade Levels. In school you will receive either, "Completed" or "Graduated" at each step. If you lie, cheat or steal you will be suspended for that day.