Sunday, December 16, 2012

Life is a Game

     “Life is a Game” .... Such a happy, safe, good-feeling statement.  BUT, on the objective side... "Life is a Game" is the short story version of a much greater reality.  Each game can be won or lost on a single play.  In life we play many games a day.  So what ... if we lose a single game?  There are many more games left to be played.  The problem of taking an, "only a game," attitude too nonchalantly is that one pivotal loss can change the course of a life just as brutally as it can cost a championship.  A single pivotal error in a single game can lose the pivotal game.  A reasonable person will quickly point out that in any game there are many good plays: why focus on a single error?  As we participate in any endeavor, average-to-good efforts are the norm.  It is the outlier that usually determines any outcome.  Machiavelli says that to be successful, you must work very hard AND have a generous helping of good fortune.  Gary Player once said, "The harder I work, the luckier I get."  The preceding statements are quite true.  Another brilliant person stated that an error is not a mistake until you choose not to correct the error. 

     "Life is a Game" is the underlying principle of the rise and fall of dynasties and societies.  It is a human tendency to relax once you have become successful.  It is also human nature to lose sight of the factors that actually created a specific success.   After six months in a new marriage, my sister-in-law asked her new husband, Mark, why he had ceased to dote on her every whim.  He, way too truthfully replied, "Darling...trapping season is over!"  This husbandly/wifely behavior is representative of the down side of the Bell Curve.  Mark would not have won fair maiden to begin with, without a "trapping season" effort.  The downside complacent efforts affect all of us as we pass through the life we live, uncaring or unaware.  Life, love and success are transitory.  The existence of “transitory” is nature’s sense of balance and nature's way of determining who is truly worthy of the championship.

     I have enjoyed becoming intellectually involved in tracking baseball over the last couple of years.  Baseball games (all life games) are highly cerebral activities.  Recently I watched a game where a highly successful team had a play where one of the players was laughing and monkeying around.  The balance between being relaxed and rightly focused is razor thin.   The team that was monkeying around, lost the next several games.  Monkeying around is merely an underlying warning symptom that represents a lack of respect for life's harsh judge.  In the losing games, the team lost these games because they failed to make a few plays that they could have made if they had been intently focused and respectful of the laws of life's game. 
    Success/confidence, or lack thereof in any game, has a dramatic influence over how we act and react in future games.  The psychology of loss far overpowers the positive mental energy of success.  In other words; one "oh shit" wipes out all the "atta-boys."  Self-doubt is established with a loss.  Only an arrogant sense of normalcy is felt with a win.  Re-establishing confidence after a loss takes much more energy, AND good fortune, than the energy required for the original success.  The original success did not have the burden of failure to overcome.  Original success is culminated by, everything to gain, nothing to lose.   Original success is cloaked in a relaxed sense of respect, enjoyment, wonder and untold hours of hard work.

Thursday, December 13, 2012

Experts vs. Rock Stars

      There exists a little known, yet common sense, benchmark for an Expert.  An expert is a person who has over 10,000 hours learning and improving a specific skill.  Our society has experts in all endeavors.    Only "Caveat Emptor" allows a Society to have a chance to shape its own destiny by use of experts.  Life, quite naturally, gets complicated when decisions and one's destiny are based on money/friendship/ease as opposed to making decisions based on actual qualifications.

      When I learned of the Expert Benchmark, I sat down at my computer and created an Excel Spreadsheet to personally evaluate the Expert theory. The results of my study were quite illuminating.  I have (36,360/hrs - Computer-APL,EDL,PC), (31,040/hrs - Builder), (16,381/hrs - Design), (16,920/hrs - Autocad), (14,880/hrs - Archicad), (23,920/hrs - Reading), (5,600/hrs - Baseball), (11,552/hrs - Golf), (4,512/hrs - Skeet).  I therefore have several areas of expertise and hundreds of areas of little to no expertise. 

     For several years, around 2005, I did consulting work for a company in Budapest.  At a corporate meeting in Prague the leaders of that company stated their new desire to hire "Rock Stars" to promote and teach their product.  As you might guess, the CEO of this Budapest company considered himself a "Rock Star" and quite naturally he surrounded himself with "Rock Stars."  During his reign, the company came on lean times and sold out to a company in Germany.  Germans being Germans, had a concept of rebuilding the company with "Experts."  This company once again produces one of the world's premier products now that they have the proper job description for "Rock Stars," promote, and let the Experts shape the company’s critical path.

     One of the greatest contemporary proofs of "Experts" vs. "Rock Stars" is illuminated by the experience of the Oakland Athletics in the book and the movie, "Moneyball."   The Oakland Athletics changed ownership.  New ownership cut the budget for the baseball team by 70%.  Circumstances put together a computer "nerd" and a "failed" baseball player.  The diligence of this unlikely combination revealed that most players were overvalued and judged by mostly by their "Rock Star" status.  When these newly forced enlightened leaders signed players based on ability and not "Rock Star" status they were able to compete with and win with a third of the money that other teams spent.  It is not an accident that the Texas Rangers were successful during 2010 and 2011.  The Ranger's Manager was trained by the Oakland "Moneyball" administration. Nolan Ryan, one of the Ranger's current owners, knows, by his extreme dedication, that only hard work creates experts.  "Experts," not "Rock Stars," provide leadership for a winning combination.

     For years I enjoyed and trusted Charlie Gipson on "Good Morning America."  After watching Charlie for years, I realized that what I appreciated the most about Charlie; Charlie was egoless.  Comparison is necessary for real appreciation.  It is sad to me, and creates a real irritation, to have to listen to the Rock Stars that have taken over the news, our government and business in general.  We clearly need more workhorses and far fewer showhorses in the leadership positions.  "Rock Stars" consume too much energy which is consumed for their own needs.

     Life could be pretty great if we took an Oakland Athletics approach and actually elected officials and hired people based on the objective Expert evaluation.

     Below is a perfect example of our self-designated, media made, Rock Stars.  Harry Reid and Joe Biden.  This image was on the internet on January 1, 2013.  How can a man that was hired to do a job, that he has willfully neglected and abused, have a smile on his face?  Pride instead of Shame?

     I had the privilege to instruct 2 employees of Clark Construction, out of Bethesda, in New York City.  The 2 Clark Construction employees highlighted the extremes between a Rock Star and an Expert.  The Rock Star (CRS, i.e. Clark Rock Star), as you might imagine wore an expensive as hell suit and was a graduate of Penn State, the most almighty school in the world.  The Expert was a crusty, grumpy old thing (Riff) that had worked for Clark for many years in many company positions.  When I met the two, Riff was highly annoyed at how abusively the Rock Stars out of Budapest had treated Clark Construction.  I told Riff and the CRS that I was there to help them and for them to take a seat and that I would teach them something.  Riff and I shared 3 intensive days and evenings of mutual learning in NYC.  The CRS really couldn't be bothered.  He spent all his time putting together his presentation (collecting BIG buzzzz words) for Clark Construction when he got back to the office so he could retain his Rock Star status while learning very little.

     On several occasions I have visited Riff at Clark Construction in Bethesda.  Of course I was overwhelmed by the scope and stature of work that Clark performed.  Symphony halls, stadiums, everything.  Riff had his own little office, way back in the back, where he saved the company hundreds of thousands of dollars per day with his expertise.  All the while, the CRSs would parade by and ask why in the world he was working with those silly 3d models.  Riff performed his magic with a relatively cheap but highly effective software know as "Light Wave."  "Light Wave" was just like Riff, it simply did its job without fanfare while enduring the ridicule from the Rock Stars.  A couple of years ago, I learned that "Avatar" was accomplished using "Light Wave." 

     Anyway..... about a year after my initial meeting with Riff and the CRS in NYC, there was a global knowledge sharing meeting scheduled in Budapest.  I was certainly going to attend and was most excited to find out if Riff would attend.  I could just picture in my mind Riff revealing to the world all that he had shared with me.  I called Riff.  He told me that the CRS was going to be the one to represent Clark Construction in Budapest.  I was appalled.  I call some of my friends with the Budapest Company to encourage them to get Riff to attend.  Rock Stars want other Rock Stars.  The knowledge shared in Budapest was OK.  The CRS missed most of the meetings because he was either hung over or drunk.  Simply... there is not enough time in life to be both a Rock Star and an Expert.  The world, for balance, has and certainly needs both types, if for nothing else other than for the contrast.

Monday, December 3, 2012

The Drunk and the Lightpost

The drunk seeks a light post only for support, not for illumination.  One reads Tweets until he finds one that supports his position. 

When did Twitter become an approved "News Source?"  There is no possible illumination in a one line Tweet.  Our once respectable News has become bursts of Tweets....can you believe that News Professionals actually quote results from Twitter?  Consider what the Tweet source might be and the invested thought needed to create that Tweet. 


Friday, November 9, 2012


    Quanah Parker provides the perfect model of adaptation to change. I will stay clear of judgmental terms such as "progress," “good” and “evil.” All events occurring in our universe are, by nature, neutral. Judgment originates from a perspective, which is only that…. an individual's perspective.

    The history of the Comanche Empire is a history of total Comanche dominance followed by total submission based on their use and knowledge of available technology. Quanah Parker was the last leader of the Comanche Nation by virtue of incredible intelligence with his many life skills. He lived from 1848 to 1911 and had a lasting impact on US history during his time and still provides a guiding light for today. Quanah deeply loved, admired and was guided by both his exemplary white mother and Indian Chief Father throughout their life.

    Since the early 1700's, when the Comanche drove the Spaniards from the Llano Estacado (Palisaded Plains in the Texas Panhandle), the Comanche were the undisputed rulers of these Great Plains through traditional training and their superior use of Comanche technology. The principal Comanche technology was the Mustang, an unintended gift from the Spaniards. The Comanche had expert knowledge of the Great Plains and those who ventured into their domain perished from Comanche hands or were killed by the harsh land itself. The early European usurpers simply had inadequate knowledge of how to negotiate the plains environment with their inadequate tools.

    In 1860, Brigadier General Mackenzie was ordered by the US Government to pursue and eliminate all Indian resistance at any and all costs. Mackenzie, like Quanah, was also a product of a nurturing childhood. Mackenzie was a student of everything. Unlike Custer, Mackenzie was a workhorse, not a showhorse. All victories in the early encounters between Quanah and Mackenzie went to Quanah Parker. Quanah's technology (bows and arrows) was far superior to the single-shot rifles and single shot pistols of the invaders. A Comanche on horseback could shoot 20 arrows to one shot from a gun which had to be manually reloaded. The horsemanship of Comanche warriors was superior to the European battle style on foot. However, evolving new technology (the Colt Revolver) started to change the balance of power. The combination of the Howitzer, US conviction and the accumulating knowledge of Mackenzie gradually shifted the balance of power to the European invaders. For 15 years Quanah Parker led Mackenzie on many fruitless and embarrassing chases (picture Keystone Cops), but Quanah was also learning and began to foresee that change was inevitable for the Comanche lifestyle.

    In the spring of 1875, after 250 years of technical dominance, the Comanche Nation surrendered to change. Quanah submitted to Mackenzie at Fort Sill. As a result of Mackenzie's admiration for Quanah's skills, life experiences and dedication to purpose, Mackenzie took Quanah under his wing to teach the Comanche Chief English and the evolving American way. As in all worthwhile relationships, Mackenzie learned just as much from Quanah. Quanah embraced the inevitable changes. During the last 40 years of Quanah's life, he was consulted and admired by Presidents and many former adversaries. Most Indians perished or chose to live the rest of their life with bitterness. Change is neutral and ever constant. It is what it is. Quanah prospered and became a guiding light for those who chose to listen and follow his example. Quanah bought an automobile, English clothing and built a 10 bedroom, 2 story clapboard siding house for himself and to share with his many admirers and insatiable students.

    Our country has passed through comprehensive changes that have been brewing underneath the surface for many years. These changes have only recently revealed themselves. Like Quanah we must embrace the new United States. It is what it is. Will the United States ever be what it once was? Never will it look the same again. Outstanding accomplishments are created through extraordinary circumstances. As I have lectured about architecture, I have been guided by a comment, "For years we called automobiles, 'Horseless Carriages.'" Cars were cars, not Horseless Carriages. We have chances for many great opportunities ahead that will be created for us by extraordinary circumstances.  Are we going to choose to be only bitter or choose, like Quanah to adapt to the new, ever changing environment. 

Friday, September 28, 2012

No time like the present....

In any crowded room that you walk into, everyone in that room; knows infinitely more than you do in regard to their unique life experiences. Unique individual knowledge and talent are what created our, once great society. We must embrace "unique" to overcome the stagnation that has gripped our population by beholding, non-representatives. 


Thursday, August 16, 2012

How do we get it back??

    I have never been much to bring up a problem, without suggesting a solution.  The solution of regaining control in our lives must start by going back to an earlier, less complicated version of our life.  A life that was more considerate and kind.  A life full of appreciation.  A life full of reflection and of re-energizing.  Three years ago I began a journey of making Art Note Cards.  The Art is intended to be of a timeless nature.  I pondered over what I wanted to accomplish and, being prone to actual, instead of schematic, I trademarked “Of a Timeless Nature®.” One of my heroes of clear thought is Ayn Rand.  I read Ayn Rand’s, “The Romantic Manifesto” to identify the elements that are important and why.  Below is an excerpt:

     A devout religious fanatic entered a black cab in London. He curtly asked the cabbie to turn off the radio because as decreed by his religious teaching, he must not listen to music because in the time of the prophet there was no music, especially Western music which is the music of the infidel. The cab driver politely switched off the radio, stopped the cab and opened the door. The religious fanatic asked the cabbie, "What are you doing?" The cabbie answered, "In the time of the prophet there were no taxis, so… get out and wait for a camel!"

     Until all of us realize that any kind of control over another person is not politically correct, it is simply not to be tolerated.  Those who push "politically correct" demand a one-sided relationship.  They can say anything that they want, but you are not welcome to your views.  Left unchecked, the politically correct dominate all interaction.